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Upping my Step Count!

One of the things I need to do on my journey is get more active.  So to get this going I have decided to up my step count.  I have a very stationary job so doing this is not as easy as you would think.  So to help me out I have placed a bet on it.  This is my first journey with StepBet .  I know it will not be easy but I need something to motivate me do making the effort to go and workout after work.  My first journey in StepBet has not given me too hard of goals but I will admit that it is going to be harder than I originally thought since just this week (which was a warm up week no one looses the bet) I have not been hitting the mark much.  My goals for the week are pretty easy if I was more active at work I think, but I am ready for the challenge next week. Active Goal : 7,389 Steps Stretch Goal : 9,422 Steps Not really high but with a desk job, I do not spend all day walking around during the day at work.  So I have been trying to find ways to get more steps in at work so
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With having gone back to school this past year I have looked at other things that I need and want to do.  So I started making a list. Wow was there a lot. Some of them were needs: lose weight, finish school, give up sodas, etc. While others were wants: visit Europe, go to Disneyland, fall in love, etc. As you can see I have somethings that I want to do, but I also have things that I need to do.  So here I am inviting you on my journey. My journey to healthy living. My journey to fun and adventure. And even a little journey in story telling. While I am starting this new journey with my number 1 on my list, my need to lose weight I am going to reward myself with some of my wants as time goes on. I am also open to suggestions for things to try as a reward as well as things to try to help achieve my goals. My name is Samantha and I am over 30 years old.  I am overweight, which I think holds me back.  I am not very outgoing (something I wish to change about myself).